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    3 | Create a Topic

    Let’s pick one Topic to build out. Create a sequence to stitch together your story within the Topic. First, let’s add narration. Adding Narration helps set up this Topic for your students. Give some extra context, like learning objectives or explaining the purpose of this particular topic.

    Now, add a few different kinds of Materials from your library. We’ll add an EPUB, a video, and image, and a URL in this example.

    And finally, let’s add a Prompt: Prompts are an important way to build engagement through quick responses to questions. Also, they are a helpful mechanism for you to check the pulse of the class; we’ll cover this in the Analytics video later. There are three types of Prompts: Short Answer, Multiple Choice, and File Upload. Prompts default to public, meaning students will see their peers’ responses once they submit their own. This contributes to social learning through collective engagements. If you want responses to be private, you can uncheck this setting.

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    2 | Build a Framework

    Now that your Material is loaded, let's build out a course. Click the + New button in the Courses Tab. Name your course, add a course code if you’d like, then click Create. Now add an image to your course to give it a compelling look with visual context. Open the drop-down menu on the course card and select Add Preview Image. Horizontal images work best, around a standard 3:2 ratio. If you don’t have the perfect image ready to plug in, a terrific resource for royalty-free images is Unsplash.com.

    Double click into your course. Now let’s lay out some empty Topic cards. Topics are self-guided. They can be used either as stand alone learning experiences, or to complement in-person sessions. We’ll use a simple time-based Topic structure for this video. Name your Topic and select its visibility level. You can drag topics around, rename them, and change visibility at any time.

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    1 | Load Material

    At Honor, we believe in transforming education through collective engagement. In these videos, you'll discover how easy it is to migrate over or set up a course, activate your course materials, and invite your students to meaningfully engage with the content and with each other.

    You can start anywhere, but loading up your learning material first is an easy way to get going quickly. Add new Materials in the Materials Tab by clicking the + button and selecting one — or multiple— files to upload. Honor recognizes almost any file format you have stored on your computer or in the cloud. For learning material like URLs, including YouTube video links and websites, you’ll be able to add that later directly into your course.

    To find everything easier later on, you can also create a folder for groups of topics or subjects.

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